23 December 2010

Christmas Break Homework Assignments

Merry Christmas!

In case you forgot or left something at school, your assignments are below with links to any worksheets or resources you might need.

Also, if you wanted the recipe for the orangey-brownies I had on Wednesday, get it here.

Have a fantastically merry Christmas and I'll see you in the new year! I leave you with this reminder of why Jesus came:

Because God loves us with a Never Stopping,
Never Giving Up, Always and Forever Love -
Heaven is breaking through!
He is sending us a Light from Heaven
To shine on us like the sun
To shine on those who live in darkness
And in the shadow of death
To guide our feet into the way of peace.

Be watchful of who you can be Jesus to over the next couple of weeks.


Mrs. Berg

17 December 2010

Jubilee Day Reminders


  • Seniors: If you were not at school Friday, your 3 Macbeth essays are due Monday.

  • Juniors: FINAL COPY of your research paper is due Monday!! Email me [eberg@heritagechristianschool.org] or call me or facebook me this weekend if you have any issues. I will accept NO excuses Monday if I don't hear from you over the weekend! We'll be having a party that WILL NOT involve the burning of papers during class Monday.

  • Sophomores: Read Act I of Hamlet and do Act I questions [if you forgot them, they're on your page].

  • Freshmen: Your bound book is due MONDAY! Instructions for book-binding are on your page.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs. Berg

13 December 2010


Since we don't have school today, here is what you need to know for tomorrow:
  • Bible 9: Remember, your kids' versions of the stories from 1 Samuel are due tomorrow!
  • English 12: You have nothing due tomorrow! We'll review for your Macbeth test on Tuesday.
  • English 9: Work on your text and illustrations for 'A Christmas Carol'; we shouldn't be too behind schedule if you all have the text done by Tuesday.
  • English 11: Your Works Cited page is due tomorrow - NO EXCUSES! Your second draft will be due Wednesday; we'll peer edit them for organization on Tuesday.
  • English 10: Your Antigone: The Movie project is due tomorrow EXCEPT the movie poster, which you can turn in Wednesday. Please remember to type everything!! Don't worry about the Greek Tragedy terms quiz listed below.

Enjoy the day off and I hope to see you all tomorrow, ready to work hard and finish well before break!


Mrs. Berg :)

10 December 2010

December 13-17

Bible 9

English 12

English 9

English 11

English 10



Journal, WOTD, DLP

Macbeth review

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Work on Children’s Book Project

Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: Works Cited

Go over requirements for 2nd draft – DUE WEDNESDAY

Peer edit for organization

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Antigone: The Movie Project



1 Samuel


Macbeth test - objective


Work on Children’s Book Project


Finish peer editing and work on drafts


Antigone: The Movie Project Due

Greek tragedy terms quiz


Work on Children’s Book Project

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Macbeth test - essays

*I’ll be at ‘A Christmas Carol’*


Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: Draft 2

Trade’n’grade: check for requirements

*I’ll be at ‘A Christmas Carol’*

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Intro to Shakespeare: Life in 1500s, Globe Theatre, insults



1 Samuel

***I’ll be at CIA*** - Finish essays if necessary; otherwise studyhall


Work on Children’s Book Project


Work on drafting

HW: Draft 3 due Friday


Intro to Hamlet


1 Samuel

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Intro to poets


Journal, WOTD, DLP

Work on Children’s Book: Binding - DUE MONDAY


Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: Draft 3

HW: Final draft and Works Cited DUE MONDAY!!!!!!!


Journal, WOTD, DLP

Imagine that you feel guilty about a crime you’ve committed. You want to have peace of mind, but you are unwilling to give up what you gained from your crime.


Begin reading Hamlet

09 December 2010

December 6-10

Bible 9

English 12

English 9

English 11

English 10


1 Samuel

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Practice scenes

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Stave II quiz

Read Stave III in class [finish for homework]

Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: Outline with auotes

Paraphrasing and quoting lesson

HW: Introduction and first topic into paragraphs with OWN writing

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Antigone: part 1 quiz [pg. 768 #s 3-5, 7, 8]

Continue reading – part 2

HW: Read scenes 3-4



1 Samuel


Perform Macbeth!


Stave III quiz

Read Stave IV [finish for homework]


DUE: Introduction and first topic into paragraphs with OWN writing

HW: First 3 pages of draft


Review part 2; discuss pg. 790 #s 1-8

Assign ‘Antigone: The Movie’ project


1 Samuel

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Perform Macbeth!

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Read Stave IV [finish for homework]

Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: First 3 pages of rough draft

Journal, WOTD, DLP

‘Antigone: The Movie’ project



1 Samuel


Perform Macbeth!


Stave IV quiz

Read Stave V


DUE: 6 total pages of draft

Work on drafting


‘Antigone: The Movie’ project


1 Samuel

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Perform Macbeth!

Journal, WOTD, DLP

Stave V quiz

Discuss ending

Assign/Work on Children’s Book Project

Journal, WOTD, DLP

DUE: rest of rough draft

Works Cited page refresher

HW: Works cited page

Journal, WOTD, DLP

‘Antigone: The Movie’ project

Convincing Reasons and Plot Outline DUE

10 September 2010

homework for this weekend :)

Bible 9: assigned passages on reading schedule

12th English: Anglo-Saxon poem essay [see rubric] and read intro to Beowulf [pgs. 36-38]

9th English: Read 'The Most Dangerous Game' and complete vocabulary worksheet

11th: Write 'Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God' [see rubric]

10th: 'The Masque of the Red Death' Symbolism Essay [see rubric]

Email me with any questions or problems you run into!
Have a lovely weekend :)

09 September 2010

today's assignments

Bible 9: read assigned Bible passages

English 12: do page 30 #6; Elegy Insight Essay due Monday (see rubric)

English 9: Voice/Tone/Perspective Essay NOW DUE MONDAY - I accidentally collected the notes you'll need to complete the essay! Pass the word along!

English 11: Read and annotate poems and create metaphor or poem according to instructions

English 10: Read 'The Masque of the Red Death'

16 August 2010

Happy New Year!

Dear students,

Happy New Year! Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year – it’s bound to be an adventure! This is my first year teaching at Heritage, as you probably already know, and I’m looking forward to figuring it all out with you!

My vision for us as a class is that we would grow to be more like Jesus through the literature we encounter, work toward reaching the incredible intellectual potential we all have as beings created in the image of God, and appreciate how God reveals His truth through the world around us. My job isn’t just to teach you how to write papers, use semicolons correctly, or identify the rhyme scheme of a poem; I’m here to challenge you to question, think, and discern. I invite you to make Walt Whitman’s challenge your own for yourself over the next seasons:

This is what you shall do: Love the earth and the sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or at church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem . . .

This class will not be about me or what I think. It will be about you being on a journey of finding out for yourself truth about the world and the infinitely true God who made it. Sometimes this is scary, and always it will remind us that nothing in the world revolves around us; it will require reliance on the Holy Spirit and the Bible to discern truth from deception, but always the truth will point back to Jesus and the new life He gives.

We’re going to have an unforgettable year – I know it already! Here we go . . .

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Emily Berg