21 December 2011

December 21 Homework - ALL DUE January 3rd!!!!

  • Bible 9: OVER BREAK -  Begin memorizing Genesis passages for midterm; 5 quiet times per week [TEN total when you return].
  • English 10: OVER BREAK - pg. 463 ex. 21-22
  • Speech: None :)
  • English 12: OVER BREAK - Write two paragraphs explaining, with specific examples from the movie, what the modern version of Gulliver's Travels could be satirizing or commenting on in American society today.
  • English 9: OVER BREAK - Write a 5-paragraph essay that explains the theme [life lesson] of A Christmas Carol and reflects upon what your life would be like if you applied that lesson to it. Refer to your assignment sheet for specific requirements.
  • English 11: OVER BREAK - Read chapters 10-11; what evidence does Douglass give that the holidays are "part and parcel to the gross fraud, wrong and inhumanity of slavery"? Explain and analyze this method of slave control [what the slaves were led to believe, what they did, and what it resulted in]. Write a FULL one-page, double-spaced, typed comparison of how the slaves were taught/encouraged to celebrate and your own celebration of the holidays.
From Luke 1:

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel,
   because he has come to his people and redeemed them.
69 He has raised up a horn[c] of salvation for us
   in the house of his servant David
70 (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),
71 salvation from our enemies
   and from the hand of all who hate us—
72 to show mercy to our ancestors
   and to remember his holy covenant,
 73 the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
74 to rescue us from the hand of our enemies,
   and to enable us to serve him without fear
 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.
 76 And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High;
   for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him,
77 to give his people the knowledge of salvation
   through the forgiveness of their sins,
78 because of the tender mercy of our God,
   by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
79 to shine on those living in darkness
   and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.”

May you know the light and peace of Christ this Christmas!
Mrs. Berg

20 December 2011

December 20 Homework

  • Bible 9: OVER BREAK -  Begin memorizing Genesis passages; 5 quiet times per week.
  • English 10: Grammar pg. 462 ex. 20.
  • Speech: None :)
  • English 12: See below.
  • English 9: See below.
  • English 11: Read ch. 8-9; OVER BREAK - see below.

19 December 2011

December 19 Homework

  • Bible 9: None
  • English 10: Grammar pg. 462 ex. 18 and 19
  • Speech: Second group prepare for debate
  • English 12: DUE AFTER BREAK - Write two paragraphs explaining, with specific examples from the movie, what the modern version of Gulliver's Travels could be satirizing or commenting on in American society today.
  • English 9: DUE AFTER BREAK - Write a 5-paragraph essay that explains the theme [life lesson] of A Christmas Carol and reflects upon what your life would be like if you applied that lesson to it. Refer to your assignment sheet for specific requirements.
  • English 11: Read ch. 6-7 for tomorrow; DUE AFTER BREAK - Read chapters 10-11; What evidence does Douglass give that the holidays are "part and parcel to the gross fraud, wrong and inhumanity of slavery"? Explain and analyze this method of slave control [what the slaves were led to believe, what they did, and what it resulted in]. Write a FULL one-page, double-spaced, typed comparison of how the slaves were taught/encouraged to celebrate and your own celebration of the holidays.

15 December 2011

December 15 Homework

  • Bible 9: None
  • English 10: None
  • Speech: Be ready for debate Monday!
  • English 12: Grammar p. 433 ex. 28; p. 766 ex. 2; p. 767 ex. 3
  • English 9: Finish book for Monday
  • English 11: Read 4-5 for Monday with studyguide
Happy Jubliee Day for those of you off school tomorrow!

14 December 2011

December 14 Homework

  • Bible 9: None
  • English 10: None
  • Speech: Get ready for debate on Monday!
  • English 12: Respond to bracketed paragraph on pg. 530; could/does this apply to American today? Write a GOOD [5-7] paragraph
  • English 9: Finish Stave IV and questions
  • English 11: SG questions for ch. 2-3

13 December 2011

December 13 Homework

  • Bible 9: None, unless you're writing/reciting verses tomorrow!
  • English 10: Grammar p. 431 ex. 28; p. 733 ex. 3
  • Speech: Get ready for debate Monday!
  • English 12: None
  • English 9: Finish Stave III and studyguide questions
  • English 11: Read chapter 1 of 'Narrative' and complete studyguide questions

09 December 2011

December 9 Homework

  • Bible 9: Law Application worksheet; read packet; verses due to be written/recited on Tuesday!
  • English 10: Whatever responsibilities you have for the project!
  • Speech: Continue to research!
  • English 12: None, except to enjoy the fact that you had the privilege of encountering John Donne for TWO days :)
  • English 9: Finish Stave II and studyguide
  • English 11: Read 'Olaudah Equiano'

08 December 2011

December 8 Homework

  • Bible 9: Memorized verses due Tuesday!
  • English 10: None
  • Speech: Debate outlines due tomorrow
  • English 12: None
  • English 9: Read Stave I and complete studyguide
  • English 11: None

02 December 2011

December 2 Homework

  • Bible 9: Presentations of laws start on Monday
  • English 10: Read NY Times articles [quiz on Monday] and complete Hotel Rwanda Viewing Guide
  • Speech: None :)
  • English 12: Macbeth dress rehearsal on Monday - bring costumes, etc!!
  • English 9: Step Three due Monday; performance on Monday!
  • English 11: Final copy of Scarlet Letter Analysis due Monday!
Have a lovely weekend!!