10 September 2010

homework for this weekend :)

Bible 9: assigned passages on reading schedule

12th English: Anglo-Saxon poem essay [see rubric] and read intro to Beowulf [pgs. 36-38]

9th English: Read 'The Most Dangerous Game' and complete vocabulary worksheet

11th: Write 'Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God' [see rubric]

10th: 'The Masque of the Red Death' Symbolism Essay [see rubric]

Email me with any questions or problems you run into!
Have a lovely weekend :)

09 September 2010

today's assignments

Bible 9: read assigned Bible passages

English 12: do page 30 #6; Elegy Insight Essay due Monday (see rubric)

English 9: Voice/Tone/Perspective Essay NOW DUE MONDAY - I accidentally collected the notes you'll need to complete the essay! Pass the word along!

English 11: Read and annotate poems and create metaphor or poem according to instructions

English 10: Read 'The Masque of the Red Death'